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Present Tense in Turkish 🕒|-Bugün ne yapıyorum? - What Am I Doing Today? 🎵 Learn Turkish with Music!

Present Tense in Turkish 🕒|-Bugün ne yapıyorum? - What Am I Doing Today? 🎵 Learn Turkish with Music!

Embark on a melodious journey to master the present tense in Turkish with our engaging music video, "Mastering Present Tense in Turkish"! Tailored for both beginners and intermediate learners, this video is your ticket to understanding Turkish grammar through the universal language of music. Dive into the heart of Turkish by exploring its present tense, all while enjoying catchy tunes that make learning effortless and fun. But the journey doesn’t end here! 🚀 Your feedback and curiosity fuel our creativity. After watching, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Which topics or grammar points would you like to explore next through music? Your suggestions are our next inspiration! Don’t forget to hit the like button if you find this video helpful. It lets us know you appreciate our content. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications to never miss out on our future musical adventures in learning Turkish. Together, let’s make language learning an exciting and musical journey! Bugün ne yapıyorum? (Nakarat) Bugün güneş yükseliyor, Kuşlar şarkı söylüyor, Herkes koşuşturuyor, Ben de şarkı yapıyorum. Kahvaltıda ne yiyorum? Ekmek, peynir, zeytin diyorum, Çayımı yudumluyorum, Güne enerji doluyorum. Arkadaşımı arıyorum, Nasılsın diye soruyorum, Güzel haberler alıyorum, Beraber plan yapıyoruz. (Nakarat) Bugün güneş yükseliyor, Kuşlar şarkı söylüyor, Herkes koşuşturuyor, Ben de şarkı yapıyorum. Kitap okuyorum biraz, Bilgimi artırıyorum fazlasıyla, Müzik dinliyorum arada, Ruhumu dinlendiriyorum bu sırada. Akşam oluyor, yemek pişiriyorum, Sevdiklerimle sofrada buluşuyorum, Günün sonunda yıldızları sayıyorum, Yarın için hayaller kuruyorum. (Nakarat) Bugün güneş yükseliyor, Kuşlar şarkı söylüyor, Herkes koşuşturuyor, Ben de şarkı yapıyorum. 👍 Like | 🔔 Subscribe | 💬 Comment #TurkishGrammar #LearnTurkish #LanguageThroughMusic #PresentTenseTurkish #TurkishLearning
📚 Turkish 101: A Cultural Journey 🎧 | Listen & Read to Learn

📚 Turkish 101: A Cultural Journey 🎧 | Listen & Read to Learn

Welcome to "📚 Turkish 101: A Cultural Journey 🎧 | Listen & Read to Learn," your gateway to mastering the Turkish language while embarking on a fascinating exploration of Turkey's rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. In this unique series, we blend listening and reading practices to offer you an immersive learning experience. What You'll Discover: Foundational Turkish Language Skills: Learn essential vocabulary, phrases, and grammar to start speaking Turkish confidently. Cultural Insights: Dive deep into the heart of Turkey's traditions, arts, cuisine, and more. Understand the context behind the words. Historical Journeys: Travel back in time to explore ancient ruins, historic landmarks, and the stories that shaped Turkey. Modern Turkey: Get acquainted with contemporary Turkish society, its music, cinema, and daily life. Why Listen & Read? Listening and reading simultaneously can significantly boost your language acquisition, enhancing both comprehension and retention. This approach helps you connect sounds with text, improving your pronunciation and reading skills in Turkish. Stay Connected: Don't miss out on this educational adventure. Subscribe to our channel for more Turkish lessons and cultural insights. Hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest videos. Your journey to learning Turkish begins here, and we're excited to guide you every step of the way. Engage With Us: Have questions or want to share your thoughts? Leave us a comment below! We love hearing from our viewers and are here to support your learning journey. Follow Us: For more resources and exclusive content, follow us on our social media platforms. Stay connected, stay informed, and let's learn Turkish together! Welcome to the beginning of your Turkish learning journey. Let's explore and discover the wonders of Turkey together!
Improve Your Turkish: 'İstanbul'u Dinliyorum' Poetry Reading and Listening 🌃📖#learnturkish

Improve Your Turkish: 'İstanbul'u Dinliyorum' Poetry Reading and Listening 🌃📖#learnturkish

Welcome to our special Turkish learning session with the mesmerizing poetry reading of "İstanbul'u Dinliyorum" by Orhan Veli Kanık. 🌃📖 📚 In this video, we bring you one of the most cherished poems in Turkish literature, "İstanbul'u Dinliyorum" ("I Am Listening to Istanbul"). This poem is not only a beautiful piece of art but also a great way to enhance your listening and comprehension skills in Turkish. 👂 What You Will Experience: A serene and captivating narration of "İstanbul'u Dinliyorum". The rhythm and melody of Turkish language through poetry. Subtitles in Turkish, English, and Russian for better understanding and practice. 🧠 Why This Poem? Orhan Veli Kanık's "İstanbul'u Dinliyorum" is renowned for its vivid imagery and emotional depth, making it a perfect piece for language learners to delve into the richness of Turkish culture and language. 💡 How to Make the Most of This Video: Listen to the poem multiple times to get accustomed to the sounds and intonations of Turkish. Follow along with the subtitles in your preferred language and try to understand the meaning of each line. Repeat phrases or verses to practice pronunciation and fluency. Reflect on the imagery and emotions conveyed in the poem to deepen your cultural understanding. 📝 Below, you will find the text of the poem in English and Russian translations. We encourage you to leave comments about your interpretation of the poem or any questions about the language used in it. Sharing insights and curiosities will enrich the learning experience for everyone! Thank you for joining us in this poetic journey through Turkish language. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more Turkish learning content. Happy learning and listening! #LearnTurkish #TurkishPoetry #LanguageLearning ENGLISH: I Am Listening to Istanbul Orhan Veli Kanık I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; First, a light breeze is blowing; Slowly, slowly swaying The leaves on the trees; In the distance, far, far away The incessant clatter of the water sellers; I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed. I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; Then birds are passing by, flocking, Screaming, in flocks, from the skies, Nets are being hauled in the fishing grounds; A woman's feet touch the water; I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed. I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; The cool Grand Bazaar, Bustling Mahmutpasha, Courtyards filled with pigeons. Hammer sounds are coming from the docks, In the lovely spring breeze, scents of sweat; I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed. I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; The drunkenness of old times In the wooden mansions with their boat houses; The south wind is abating now, I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed. I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; A woman is passing by the pavement; Curses, songs, songs, catcalls. Something falls from her hand It must be a rose; I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed. I am listening to Istanbul, with my eyes closed; A bird flutters around your skirt; I know if your brow is hot or not I know if your lips are wet or not A white moon is rising behind the pistachios I understand from the beating of your heart; I am listening to Istanbul." Русский: Я слушаю Стамбул Орхан Вели Канык Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Сначала легкий ветерок дует; Медленно, медленно качаются Листья на деревьях; Вдали, очень далеко Беспрестанный звон торговцев водой; Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза. Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Затем проходят птицы, стаями, Крича, стаями, с небес, Сети вытаскиваются на рыболовных участках; Ноги женщины касаются воды; Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза. Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Прохладный Большой базар, Шумный Махмутпаша, Дворы, полные голубей. Звуки молотков доносятся с верфей, В прекрасном весеннем бризе запахи пота; Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза. Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Опьянение старины В деревянных особняках с их лодочными домами; Южный ветер стихает сейчас, Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза. Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Женщина проходит по тротуару; Проклятия, песни, песни, окрики. Что-то падает из ее рук Это должна быть роза; Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза. Я слушаю Стамбул, закрыв глаза; Птица барахтается у твоей юбки; Я знаю, горячий ли у тебя лоб или нет Я знаю, мокрые ли у тебя губы или нет Белая луна восходит за фисташками Я понимаю по биению твоего сердца; Я слушаю Стамбул.
📚🖋️ Poet & Poetry - Turkish Listening Text B1+: Dive into the World of Verses! 🇹🇷👂

📚🖋️ Poet & Poetry - Turkish Listening Text B1+: Dive into the World of Verses! 🇹🇷👂

📚🖋️ Welcome to our special Turkish listening exercise "Poet & Poetry - Turkish Listening Text B1+." Dive deep into the beautiful world of Turkish poetry and enhance your language skills! 🇹🇷👂 In this video, we present a captivating listening text that will not only enrich your understanding of Turkish poetry but also help you practice and improve your listening skills at an intermediate (B1+) level. This is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the rhythm and nuances of Turkish language through the art of poetry. 📘 The text featured in this video is taken from İhsan Kurt's renowned book "Şair ve Şiir". This selection offers a profound insight into the world of poetry and its intricate relationship with the poets. İhsan Kurt's work is known for its eloquence and depth, making it an excellent resource for language learners. 🔍 What to Expect: Engaging and thoughtful content ideal for B1+ level learners. A chance to explore Turkish literature and culture through poetry. An opportunity to test and enhance your listening comprehension skills. 👂 Tips for Effective Listening: Listen to the text more than once to better grasp the content. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. Try to write down what you understand and compare it with the subtitles. 📝 Remember, practicing listening with such rich content not only helps in language learning but also gives you a glimpse into the cultural and literary heritage of Turkey. ✅ Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content like this. Your support motivates us to create more useful and interesting materials to help you on your journey in learning Turkish. METİN TÜRKÇE: "En güzel hayallerin avcısı olan şair, yalnızlığı mısraında uyuma dönüştürendir… Sadece isyanlarına yalnızlık neden olmaz. Yalnız kaldığında bile yanında hep hayalleri vardır çünkü. Çoğu defa hayalleri yalnızlığını kovar. Hayalleriyle baş başa kalır. Bu kovuşta bir öfkeden ziyade bir unutuş, bir mahcubiyet bulunur. Şairdir kendi derinliklerinde gezgin, kendi sokaklarında kayıp ve kendini arayan insanın ilki… Belki de kendini kaybedenlerin öncüsü…" ENGLİSH: "The poet, the hunter of the most beautiful dreams, is the one who turns solitude into sleep in his verse... Loneliness is not the only reason for his rebellions. Even when he is alone, he always has his dreams with him. Most often, his dreams chase away his loneliness. He is left alone with his dreams. In this expulsion, there is more of a forgetting, an embarrassment, rather than anger. The poet is the first person who travels in his own depths, lost in his own streets, and seeking himself... Perhaps he is the pioneer of those who lost themselves..." Русский: "Поэт, охотник за самыми прекрасными мечтами, - это тот, кто превращает одиночество в сон в своем стихе... Одиночество - не единственная причина его бунта. Даже когда он один, у него всегда есть свои мечты. Чаще всего его мечты прогоняют одиночество. Он остается наедине со своими мечтами. В этом изгнании больше забвения, смущения, чем гнева. Поэт - это первый человек, путешествующий в своих глубинах, потерянный на своих улицах и ищущий себя... Возможно, он - пионер тех, кто потерял себя..." Thank you for watching, and happy learning! #TurkishListening #LearnTurkish #TurkishPoetry
I will teach you Turkish too!
Mastering Turkish: The Art of Question Particles in Nouns 🤔 | Easy Language Guide

Mastering Turkish: The Art of Question Particles in Nouns 🤔 | Easy Language Guide

Welcome to our Turkish language mastery series! 🌟 In today's video, 'The Art of Question Particles in Nouns,' we dive into one of the most intriguing aspects of Turkish grammar. 📘✨ 🔍 What You'll Learn: The essential rules of using question particles in Turkish nouns. How to correctly apply 'mı', 'mi', 'mu', and 'mü' based on the last vowel. Practical examples to illustrate the use of these particles in everyday conversation. 🤔 Why It's Important: Understanding the use of question particles is crucial for forming correct questions and enhancing your conversational skills in Turkish. This video simplifies these concepts, making them easy to grasp for learners at all levels. 🔔 Stay Updated: Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with our latest videos designed to make Turkish learning an enjoyable and effortless experience. 💬 Join the Conversation: Your thoughts and experiences are valuable to us! Share your learning journey in the comments below and let us know how you're applying these concepts in your practice. Thank you for watching, and happy learning! 🎓🌟 With love, Dr. Furkan Kurt Turkish Master Class ----------------------------------------------- Добро пожаловать в нашу серию по освоению турецкого языка! 🌟 В сегодняшнем видео 'Искусство Вопросительных Частиц в Турецких Существительных' мы погружаемся в один из самых захватывающих аспектов турецкой грамматики. 📘✨ 🔍 Что Вы Узнаете: Основные правила использования вопросительных частиц в турецких существительных. Как правильно применять 'mı', 'mi', 'mu' и 'mü' в зависимости от последнего гласного. Практические примеры, иллюстрирующие использование этих частиц в повседневной речи. 🤔 Почему Это Важно: Понимание использования вопросительных частиц критически важно для формирования правильных вопросов и улучшения ваших разговорных навыков на турецком. Это видео упрощает эти концепции, делая их легко усвояемыми для учащихся на всех уровнях. 🔔 Оставайтесь На Связи: Не забудьте подписаться и включить уведомления, чтобы быть в курсе наших последних видео, предназначенных для того, чтобы обучение турецкому было приятным и непринужденным. 💬 Присоединяйтесь к Обсуждению: Ваши мысли и опыт очень важны для нас! Поделитесь своим путем обучения в комментариях ниже и расскажите, как вы применяете эти концепции на практике. Спасибо за просмотр, и удачного обучения! 🎓🌟 С любовью, Dr. Furkan Kurt Turkish Master Class
🔊 Pronunciation of 'R' in Turkish #1: Merhaba, Orman, Kar, Rüzgar, Renk, Rüya

🔊 Pronunciation of 'R' in Turkish #1: Merhaba, Orman, Kar, Rüzgar, Renk, Rüya

In this educational video, we learn how to pronounce the letter 'r' in Turkish. Using the words 'merhaba', 'orman', 'kar', 'rüzgar', 'renk', and 'rüya', we will explore the different pronunciations of the letter 'r' in Turkish. This is an ideal start to understand the correct usage of this fundamental and important sound in learning Turkish. Beneficial for both language learners and native Turkish speakers, this lesson will help perfect your pronunciation of the 'r' sound. Watch our video to learn and practice the correct pronunciation of 'r' in Turkish! ----------------------- В этом образовательном видео мы узнаем, как произносится буква 'r' на турецком языке. Используя слова 'merhaba', 'orman', 'kar', 'rüzgar', 'renk' и 'rüya', мы исследуем различные произношения буквы 'r' в турецком языке. Это идеальное начало для понимания правильного использования этого фундаментального и важного звука при изучении турецкого языка. Полезно как для изучающих язык, так и для носителей турецкого языка, этот урок поможет совершенствовать ваше произношение звука 'r'. Смотрите наше видео, чтобы научиться и попрактиковаться в правильном произношении 'r' на турецком!
🌟 Learn Turkish: The Easy Way to Use 'Not'-Değil- 🌟 | 🇬🇧🇷🇺 English & Russian Translations Included!

🌟 Learn Turkish: The Easy Way to Use 'Not'-Değil- 🌟 | 🇬🇧🇷🇺 English & Russian Translations Included!

Welcome to our Turkish language learning series! I'm Dr. Furkan Kurt, and in today's video "How to Use 'Not' in Turkish?", we're examining negation structures in Turkish grammar, a crucial topic for both beginners and advanced students. 🔹 What You'll Discover in This Video: The basics of using 'değil' in Turkish sentences. Step-by-step instructions on forming negative sentences in Turkish. Enhance your understanding with English and Russian translations for each example. Practical examples that you can apply in real-life conversations. 🔹 Important Note: Beginners often confuse "yok" with "değil". To understand this difference, make sure to also check out our "Var-Yok" video. 🔹 Why This Video is Important: Negation is a fundamental concept in any language, including Turkish. This video is designed to provide clear and concise explanations to help you effectively understand and use 'değil' in your daily interactions. Suitable for learners at all levels, whether you're just starting out or advancing your skills. 🔹 Interactive Learning: Join the discussion by sharing your thoughts and questions in the comments section. 🔹 Stay Connected: Subscribe to our channel for more Turkish language learning content and click the bell icon to stay updated on our latest videos. Your support is very important to us! 🔹 Useful Links: Watch our previous video: Explore our playlist for beginners: Visit our website for more resources: Thank you for watching "How to Use 'Not' in Turkish?". If you find this video helpful, please like it and share it with others learning Turkish. Your feedback is always appreciated! 🔹 Connect with Us: Follow us on For any questions: Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing, and you'll soon master negation structures in Turkish! ---------------------------------- Добро пожаловать в нашу серию по изучению турецкого языка! Я доктор Фуркан Курт, и в сегодняшнем видео "Как использовать 'Не' на турецком?" мы рассматриваем структуры отрицания в турецкой грамматике, важную тему как для начинающих, так и для продвинутых студентов. 🔹 Что вы узнаете из этого видео: Основы использования 'değil' в турецких предложениях. Пошаговые инструкции по формированию отрицательных предложений на турецком. Улучшите свое понимание с переводами каждого примера на английский и русский языки. Практические примеры, которые вы можете применить в реальных разговорах. 🔹 Важное примечание: Начинающие часто путают "yok" с "değil". Чтобы понять эту разницу, обязательно посмотрите наше видео "Var-Yok". 🔹 Почему это видео важно: Отрицание - фундаментальное понятие в любом языке, включая турецкий. Это видео разработано, чтобы предоставить ясные и краткие объяснения, которые помогут вам эффективно понять и использовать 'değil' в ваших повседневных взаимодействиях. Подходит для учащихся всех уровней, будь вы новичок или продвинутый ученик. 🔹 Интерактивное обучение: Присоединяйтесь к обсуждению, делитесь своими мыслями и вопросами в комментариях. 🔹 Оставайтесь на связи: Подпишитесь на наш канал для большего количества контента по изучению турецкого языка и нажмите на звонок, чтобы быть в курсе наших последних видео. Ваша поддержка очень важна для нас! 🔹 Полезные ссылки: Смотрите наше предыдущее видео: Изучите наш плейлист для начинающих: Посетите наш веб-сайт для большего количества ресурсов: Спасибо за просмотр "Как использовать 'Не' на турецком?". Если вам понравилось это видео, поставьте лайк и поделитесь им с другими, кто изучает турецкий. Мы ценим ваш отзыв! 🔹 Свяжитесь с нами: Подписывайтесь на нас в Для любых вопросов: Помните, практика ведет к совершенству. Продолжайте практиковаться, и вскоре вы освоите структуры отрицания на турецком!
Mastering Turkish Present Tense-Part 2 Negative & Question Forms(with English& Russian Explanations)

Mastering Turkish Present Tense-Part 2 Negative & Question Forms(with English& Russian Explanations)

Welcome back to Part 2 of our Turkish present tense series! This segment focuses on the negative and question forms of the Turkish present tense. Tailored to help learners understand and apply these forms effectively in everyday conversations, this video is an essential resource. 🔹 In this video, you'll learn: • How to form negative sentences in the Turkish present tense. • Techniques for creating questions in the present tense. • Clear examples and explanations in both English and Russian. 🔗 For a detailed text and table view of the Present Tense, please click here ( Take care of yourself. Dr. Furkan KURT ---------------------------------------------------- Добро пожаловать во вторую часть нашей серии о настоящем времени в турецком языке! Этот сегмент посвящен отрицательным и вопросительным формам настоящего времени на турецком. Это видео - необходимый ресурс для тех, кто хочет понять и эффективно использовать эти формы в повседневных разговорах. 🔹 В этом видео вы узнаете: • Как формировать отрицательные предложения в настоящем времени на турецком. • Техники создания вопросов в настоящем времени. • Четкие примеры и объяснения на английском и русском языках. 🔗 Для подробного текста и таблицы настоящего времени, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь. Спасибо за просмотр! Если вам понравилось, поставьте лайк, поделитесь и подпишитесь. Мы ценим ваш отзыв в комментариях. Оставайтесь с нами для больше ресурсов по изучению языков! Берегите себя. Доктор Фуркан КУРТ
Turkish Present Tense - Part 1: Positive Form 🇹🇷 [With English & Русский Explanations] ✍️

Turkish Present Tense - Part 1: Positive Form 🇹🇷 [With English & Русский Explanations] ✍️

Welcome to Part 1 of our comprehensive guide on mastering the Turkish present tense! In this video, we delve into the positive form of the present tense in Turkish. This tutorial is perfect for learners at all levels, providing a clear understanding of how to construct and use positive present tense verbs in Turkish. 🔹 Key Highlights: Detailed breakdown of the positive form in Turkish present tense. Practical examples to enhance your understanding. Additional explanations in English and Russian for broader comprehension. 🔗 For a detailed text and table view of the Present Tense, please click here. ( Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will explore the negative and interrogative forms. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more language learning content! Best regards Dr. Furkan Kurt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добро пожаловать в первую часть нашего подробного руководства по освоению настоящего времени в турецком языке! В этом видео мы рассмотрим утвердительную форму настоящего времени на турецком. Этот урок подойдет как для начинающих, так и для продвинутых учеников, предоставляя четкое понимание того, как строить и использовать глаголы в настоящем времени на турецком. 🔹 Основные моменты: • Подробный разбор утвердительной формы настоящего времени на турецком. • Практические примеры для лучшего понимания. • Дополнительные объяснения на английском и русском языках. 🔗 Для подробного текста и таблицы настоящего времени, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь. ( Не пропустите вторую часть, где мы рассмотрим отрицательные и вопросительные формы. Не забудьте поставить лайк, поделиться и подписаться на больше контента по изучению языков! Берегите себя. Доктор Фуркан КУРТ

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